After a LONG absence I am finally back! I've gone through many changes since I last wrote. I am now a year and a half old. I still get into stuff but I have pretty much gotten over eating all the furniture in the house. My daddy put a fence in the yard so that I can run and play and use the bathroom at my leisure. But, its been too hot to be outside too much. When I am outside though I get to play with the best neighbors any puggle could have: Lady and Wally Gray! (Ellie is a good neighbor also but she is old like my brother Petey and doesn't like to play). But me and Lady and Wally can run FAST and tumble and chase and all that good stuff! Lady is a big ole Shepherd and Wally is a little ole dachshund and I am in between the two! My mommy likes for me to get tired so that I won't want to chase my shadow on the floor at night. She is becoming concerned about that. She says I am carrying it too far and I think she thinks I am crazy with OCD or something. She has tried toy diversion, treats, etc but still can't get me to stop. I don't know how to make myself stop! Do you have any suggestions? Do you think I need medicine? I hope not, I don't want to be a doped up puggle! Let me know if you have any advice! Till then I am still a cutie, sweetie, loving little SNUGGLE PUGGLE